Attractions around Tiraspol
Explore 16 attractions, restaurants, shops around Tiraspol
5.0 (162)
Transnistria Tour
Tiraspol Moldova
Transnistria Tour is based in Tiraspol. We offer a wide range of unique tours. We organize transfers to Tiraspol (from/to Odessa and Chisinau), accommodation and registration (from 1 day up to 90 days). We show the authentic picture of Transnistria.
4.0 (148)
The Suvorov Monument
Constitution Square 25 October Street, Tiraspol Moldova
4.0 (130)
The Tank Monument
25th October St, Tiraspol 3300 Moldova
4.5 (67)
38 Lenin Street, Tiraspol Moldova
5.0 (67)
Tiraspol Moldova
A team of local guides with broad international experience. We offer standard and tailored tours to Transnistria. Having benefitted from a wide variety of travel & multicultural experiences, now we want to share our homeland Transnistria with you. It is a small country with an extraordinary mixture of people and cultures. Let’s see it together at its best in Eng., Fr., It. & Port.!
4.0 (57)
House of Soviets
25 Oktyabrya St., 101, Tiraspol Moldova
4.0 (50)
Palacio Presidencial
Strada 25 Octombrie, 45, Tiraspol 3300 Moldova
4.0 (38)
The Christmas Cathedral
Ul. K. Marksa, d. 81, Tiraspol Moldova
4.0 (24)
Eternal Flame
Tiraspol Moldova
3.5 (23)
De Wollant Park
Naberezhny Ln., Tiraspol Moldova
5.0 (22)
Chitcani Monastery (Noul Neamt)
2 Lenin, Tiraspol 5714 Moldova
4.5 (21)
Green Market Center
Karla Liebknekhta St., 226, Tiraspol Moldova
4.0 (17)
Mig-19 Monument
Yunosti St., Tiraspol Moldova
4.0 (14)
Sports Complex Sheriff
K. Liebkneht st., 1/2, Tiraspol 3300 Moldova
3.5 (14)
Central Post Office
Lenina St., 17, Tiraspol Moldova
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Chervonopartyzansk, Ukraine
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