Attractions around Libreville
Explore 10 attractions, restaurants, shops around Libreville
4.5 (145)
Pointe Denis Beach
Libreville Gabon
One of Libreville's two primary beaches, the Pointe-Dénis Beach offers camping in addition to standard beach activities.
3.5 (53)
Musee National Des Arts, Rites Et Traditions Du Gabon
51 Avenue Augustin, Libreville 1008 Gabon
Featuring an unrivaled collection of masks, the Musée des Arts et Traditions du Gabon is essential viewing for visitors to Libreville.
4.0 (40)
L'Eglise St-Michel Libreville
Libreville Gabon
Distinguished by large wooden columns that were carved by a blind Gabonese man, L'Eglise St-Michel is an amazing sight that should not be missed.
4.0 (36)
Casino Croisette
Immeuble Diamant Centre Ville, Libreville BP7 696 Gabon
3.5 (26)
Palais Presidentiel
Libreville Gabon
Built by President Bongo in the 1970s, the Palais Présidentiel is a shrine of opulence, but visitors will have to be content to admire it from the outside.
4.0 (20)
Notre-dame de Lourdes
Libreville Gabon
4.0 (20)
Stade d'Angondje
Angondje, Libreville Gabon
4.0 (20)
Institut francais
Boulevard triomphal, Libreville Gabon
4.0 (19)
Village des Artisans
Centre Ville, Libreville Gabon
3.5 (13)
St Marie Cathedral
Estuaire Vallée Sainte Marie, Libreville Gabon