Attractions around Ćuprija
Explore 1 attractions, restaurants, shops around Ćuprija
4.5 (33)
Ravanica Monastery
Village Senja near Town of Cuprija, Cuprija 35233 Serbia
The monastery is apx 150km from Belgrade, close to the Belgrade-Niš highway. Monastery was luxuriously constructed, 1375-1377 as endowment of tzar Lazar. During last 600 years it was destroyed and rebult 5 times. Luckily reach fresco paintings stayed practicaly untouched. Only after 8 years after it had been built, prince Lazar got killed in the battle at Kosovo. Two years later his body was moved to Ravanica and it was there for 300 years. In the year of 1690, a patriarch from Pec- Arsenije Carnojevic fled from the Turkish rule over the Danube to Austria. The monks of Ravanica monastery also fled to Austria but they brought the relics of the saint prince with them. In the year of 1988 the relics was returned to his endowment where they still lie today. The monestary is one of the greatest monuments of serbian culture and history, as well as an original architectural construction. As from 1946it is functioning as a a women monastary.
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