Attractions around Zwettl
Explore 2 attractions, restaurants, shops around Zwettl
4.5 (48)
Stift Zwettl
Zwettl Stift 1, Zwettl 3910 Austria
4.5 (31)
Sproegnitz 10, Zwettl 3910 Austria
SONNENTOR is situated in Lower Austria, Waldviertel. Visit us, experience our tea and herb production as well as our philosophie and history. Everything started with an idea from Johannes Gutmann in the year 1988. The rest of it is history. In the meantime SONNENTOR is one of the most successful Austrian companies. Although the clocks are ticking differently. Experience the history of the area, expand your herbal knowledge, learn about the nature’s life cycles and about permaculture, taste, smell, feel nature and be amazed about the variety of herbs and spices here at SONNENTOR. Enjoy a vacation in Austria and sleep in our SONNENTOR ecological caravans "Land-Lofts", situated in our herb garden. During your stay you should not miss to visit our organic restaurant. We will serve you 100% organic, seasonal and regional food and beverages. We are looking forward to your visit.
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