Attractions around Yingtan
Explore 1 attractions, restaurants, shops around Yingtan
5.0 (17)
Huaquan Village
Tianshi Road, Longhu Shan District No.18, Yingtan 335000 China
Hua Quan Village is one of the largest art and cultural village in the world, spanning across 41 acres (165,000 sq m). It is located in LongHu Mountain, a breathtaking UNESCO World Heritage Site. The village was created as a place for people of all walks of life to pursue their own personalized journey of creative exploration. Curated by the nation’s leading artists, musicians, and cultural experts, Hua Quan provides a rare collection of art galleries, artisan shops, art and cultural museums, and a set of art, wellbeing, and cultural classes catered to every visitor's needs and interests. In addition, the village is surrounded by over 100 murals, all part of The Miracle Project where artists from around the world have come to share their story. The village houses and supports over 100 local artists. Visitors can learn about their craft and buy their works. Finally, LongHu Mountain provides a chance to explore the birthplace of Taoism with its breathtaking temples and mountains.
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