Attractions around Vratsa
Explore 3 attractions, restaurants, shops around Vratsa
4.5 (73)
Ledenika Cave
Vratsa Bulgaria
5.0 (24)
“Vrachanski Balkan” Nature Park
Vratsa Bulgaria
The “Vrachanski Balkan” Nature Park is the second largest of the country’s parks, which covers the Vratchanska Mountain and the massif of the Lakatnishki cliff rocks. It has a territory of 28 844 ha most of which is covered with karst limestones, 1 300 meters thick. Unique in their beauty caves and chasms can be seen in the park. Their total number is above 500 and special interest attract Ledenika, Temnata dupka (Dark hole), Zmejova dupka (Dragon hole), Haidushka propast (haidushka chasm), Gardujuva dupka, Kalnata propast (Muddy chasm), Nevestina propast (Bride’s chasm) and Sokolova dupka (Eagle hole). On the territory of the park have been registered about 950 species of high plants, of which more than 80 are rare species. From scientific and preservation point of view the most interesting species are the groups living in the caves (vertebrates and bats) and the day birds of prey. There are 214 registered species of vertebrates in the park.
4.5 (24)
Vratsa Historical Museum
Main square, Vratsa 3000 Bulgaria
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