Attractions around Voghera
Explore 10 attractions, restaurants, shops around Voghera
3.5 (726)
Via Tullio Morato 18, 27058, Voghera Italy
Parco divertimenti a tema western dedicato alle famiglie. All'interno troverete varie attrazioni tra le quali roller coaster, trenino e toro meccanico e moltissimi animali come cavalli, bisonti, lama, caprette, pony e vitelli. Durante la giornata si susseguiranno inoltre spettacoli di country line dance, magia. indiani e per finire la transumanza dove i nostri cowboys scorteranno la mandria di vitelli fino in cowtown . Venite a scoprire il vecchio west ed a vivere una giornata da veri cowboys !
5.0 (318)
Oltre Room
Via Giuseppe Garibaldi 25, 27058, Voghera Italy
4.0 (79)
Duomo di Voghera
Piazza Duomo, Voghera Italy
4.5 (44)
Museo Storico di Voghera "Giuseppe Beccari"
Via Antonio Gramsci 1, 27058, Voghera Italy
3.5 (37)
Castello Visconteo
Via Cairoli Piazza Liberazione, 27058, Voghera Italy
4.5 (31)
Tempio Sacrario della Cavalleria Italiana
Via del Tempio Sacrario, 27058, Voghera Italy
The Cavalry Branch of the Italian army has its own chapel in the town of Voghera (in the Province of Pavia). This superb example of Romanesque art is located in an area of Lombardy south of the River Po, known as the Oltre Po Pavese. The walls inside the church are decorated with polychrome terracotta reliefs depicting the coats of arms of the Italian Cavalry School, the 30 regiments of the Cavalry when it was at its height, the Sardinian and 'Colonial' Squadrons, and those of the Italian Armoured Cavalry Division formed in the period following WWII. In recent years, the coats of arms of the Regiments of the Aviation Wing of the Army have been added. Even more recently, those of the Tank Regiments, special regiments which only became part of the Cavalry proper in 1999, have also been added. Also displayed in the chapel, and given equal dignity, are the coats of arms of the 'Voloire' Horse Artillery Regiment and Carabinieri Mounted Regiment. Various plaques inside the church explain why the Cavalry was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Military Order of Savoy and the Gold Medal for Military Valour. They remember those who belonged to the Cavalry who were decorated with the Gold Medal for Military Valour of the Military Order of Italy. Outside the church, and all around its perimeter, are the coats of arms of the places which housed--or still house-departments and local institutions of the Cavalry and the towns after which Cavalry regiments were named. Other ornaments confirm the unmistakable role of the old 'red church' as a place of worship dedicated to the Cavalry. The church houses the most significant and treasured memories of the Cavalry. It contains memorials to members of the Cavalry who died in battle and plaques recording the most important events in its history. The work of administering the church is done by the Priorate, whose job it is to organise ceremonies and events of various kinds, arrange cultural gatherings and prepare publications and other material to raise public awareness about the Italian Cavalry.
3.5 (27)
Piscina Di Voghera
Via Famiglia Cignoli, 27058, Voghera Italy
4.0 (17)
Klimo's Pub Audioclub
Corso Fratelli Rosselli 52, 27058, Voghera Italy
4.5 (14)
Bar Ristorante Cristallo
Via Gabetta 2, 27058, Voghera Italy
4.5 (11)
PHI L'Angolo del Benessere
Strada Bobbio 28/C, 27058, Voghera Italy
In our structure you will find treatments remodelling and rediscover, reduce pain , the use of natural products and truly effective with a centuries-old tradition that today science proves, enhances and makes it more 'effective, will amaze you. Our degree in naturopathy guarantees all our activities. Our products are natural by definition, hay, mud, clay ...
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