Attractions around Virton
Explore 4 attractions, restaurants, shops around Virton
4.0 (31)
Le Trou des Fees
Rue du Chateau Cugnon Intersection de la Route Virton-Etalle Et Ethe-Tintigny. Entree du Sentier du Cote Droit a 500m Vers Ethe, Virton 6760 Belgium
4.5 (15)
Sentier des Songes
Virton Belgium
The path of dreams. Path of enchantment and green poetry, running along the 7 ponds with clean and pure water in the valley of Zigomars in Rabais. Several artists have been inspired by the place to create work presented on this stroll of 1,5km. Folder available
4.5 (13)
Le Musee Gaumais
Rue d'Arlon 38-40, Virton 6760 Belgium
4.0 (12)
Totem Canadien
Rue des Grasses-Oies En face de l'Office du Tourisme, Virton 6760 Belgium