Attractions around Tivoli
Explore 19 attractions, restaurants, shops around Tivoli
4.5 (6790)
Villa d'Este
Piazza Trento 5, 00019, Tivoli Italy
Started by architect and historian, Pirro Liggori in 1549, for Cardinal Ippolito dEste, this famous villa estate is one of the finest examples of Renaissance residence and garden architecture and design.
4.5 (3453)
Villa Adriana
Largo Marguerite Yourcenar 1, 00019, Tivoli Italy
This is an exceptional complex of classical buildings built in the 2nd century AD by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, which reproduces the best elements of the cultures of Egypt, Greece and Rome in the form of an "ideal city."
4.5 (1833)
Parco Villa Gregoriana
Largo Sant'Angelo 1, 00019, Tivoli Italy
Woods, paths, ancient vestiges, natural caves, the Aniene engulfed in the rock and a spectacular waterfall: all this not far from Rome in a park built by Pope Gregory XVI in the first half of the nineteenth century. Entrusted since 2002 in concession to FAI by the State Property Agency Woods, trails, ancient ruins, natural caves, a river swallowed by the rocks and a spectacular waterfall: all of this just a stone's throw from Rome, in a park commissioned by Pope Gregory XVI in the early 19th century.
3.0 (419)
Le Terme di Roma
via Tiburtina Valeria, km 22,700, 00019, Tivoli Italy
Le strutture del Nuovo Centro Termale, completamente rinnovate e ristrutturate, oltre alle tradizionali cure della medicina termale, propongono diversi tipi di percorsi benessere grazie all'utilizzo delle piu moderne tecnologie.Per il vostro benessere e i vostri momenti di relax le Terme di Roma dispongono di un centro benessere con: sauna, bagno turco, vasche kneipp, doccia aromatizzata, piscina termale riscaldata e zone relax in cui lasciar decantare gli effetti benefici dei trattamenti.
4.5 (267)
Tempio della Sibilla
Via della Sibilla, 00019, Tivoli Italy
4.0 (162)
Rocca Pia
Vicolo Barchetto, 00019, Tivoli Italy
3.5 (87)
Arco dei Padri Costituenti
Piazza Garibaldi Centro di Piazza Garibaldi, Tivoli Italy
3.5 (79)
Santuario di Ercole Vincitore
Via del Tempio di Ercole Tivoli, 00019, Tivoli Italy
4.0 (73)
Chiesa di San Francesco
Piazza Trento 3, 00019, Tivoli Italy
4.0 (72)
Cattedrale di San Lorenzo
Piazza Duomo, 00019, Tivoli Italy
4.0 (51)
Ponte Gregoriano
Via Ponte Gregoriano 36, 00019, Tivoli Italy
4.5 (50)
Junior Village Tivoli Parco Giochi
Via Lago di Albano 1c, 00010 Villa Adriana, Tivoli Italy
4.5 (46)
Chiesa di San Silvestro
Piazza San Silvestro 2, 00019, Tivoli Italy
4.0 (34)
Chiesa di San Biagio
Piazza Plebiscito 21, 00019, Tivoli Italy
4.5 (22)
San Pietro alla Carita
Via Campitelli, 00019, Tivoli Italy
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