Attractions around Taranto
Explore 60 attractions, restaurants, shops around Taranto
5.0 (3272)
Castello Aragonese
Piazza Castello 4 C/o Ponte girevole Città Vecchia, 74123, Taranto Italy
Masterpiece of the Italian renaissance military architecture that shows important remains of almost three thousand years of history. Free guided tours every day at : 0900 - 01:00
4.5 (1310)
Museo Nazionale Archeologico
Via Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour 10, 74123, Taranto Italy
The National Archaeological Museum of Taranto is ones of the most important in Italy and was founded in 1887. The Museum is located from the beginning in a building named as Convent of S. Pasquale or of the Alcantarini monks, erected in mid-18th century. The structure has been expanded during the 20th century by the erection of the Northern wing, named Ala Ceschi. On the 29 July 2016 was opened the second floor. The MArTA in his magnificent new look HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE PUBLIC!. It's a leap into history: a story of Taranto and the territory. The new exhibition traces the history of men and women from the Paleolithic until the IV century B.C; completing the exhibition of the first floor of the museum
5.0 (1053)
Jonian Dolphin Conservation
Viale Virgilio 102 C/o Molo Sant'Eligio, 74121, Taranto Italy
4.5 (1013)
Ponte Girevole
Ponte S. Francesco da Paola, 74121, Taranto Italy
4.5 (576)
Spartan Museum of Taranto - Hypogeum Bellacicco
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 39 Borgo Antico di Taranto, 74123, Taranto Italy
The hypogeum Bellacicco is a hypogeum structure. Its peculiarity which makes this structure unique all over the historic and artistic landscape of Taranto is that in it we can find records of all the ages and the historical periods dating back from Taranto's foundation by the Spartans up to the XVII century, date of the building of the homonymous noble palace. The hypogeum is divided into 4 rooms (5-8 metres hight) and shows an extension of 800 square metres and a depth which reaches, at the lovest levels (4 altogher) 16 metres under the street basement and 4 metres under the sea level. The structure, in central position as regards the isle of the historic centre, represents a crossroad with the other hypogeum structures of the ancient village that constitues, on the whole, the system of "Taranto Underground" that reaches and radiates just from the hypogeum de Beaumont Bonelli Bellacicco. Thought it is difficult to set a precise date of building and the different historic developments of the structure, all the historical, archeological and geological studies report as date of the first building of the hypogeum the period of foundation of Taranto city when the Spartans extracted the first rock banks to build the first constructions and fortifications. Later this area of the historical centre will be called Caves Area.The structure is private property and privately run without public financing. It currently houses the Cultural Association "Filonide" and it is the only hypogeum structure fully restored and accessible in the historical centre. The restoration of the structure (lasted 6 years) was realized by the family funds of its current owners (family Bellacicco) without public or private financing. In 2007 it received the acknoledgement as remarkable cultural heritage by the Minister for cultural heritage and activities by the apposition of a display at the entrance of the structure. The hypogeum is object of different degree thesis in Italy and in the U.S.A and it is a container of cultural and artistic events of different kind
4.5 (477)
Cattedrale Duomo di San Cataldo
Piazza Duomo Centro storico di Taranto, Taranto Italy
5.0 (440)
Fatti per Viaggiare
74121, Taranto Italy
5.0 (389)
eXcape Taranto - Escape Room
Corso Umberto I 16, 74123, Taranto Italy
eXcape® is a real life escape room game. We built different rooms where players have to use their skills and collaborate with their teammates to find clues, solve puzzles and escape in 60 minutes. You will be able to test your concentration and problem solving skills in a practical and funny way.
5.0 (361)
MoSA - Mostra Storica Artigiana presso l'Arsenale Militare Marittimo
Piazza Ammiraglio Pasquale Leonardi Cattolica 1, 74121, Taranto Italy
La MoSA, Mostra Storica oltre i consueti orari di ricevimento, sarà aperta giovedì 11 e venerdì 12 aprile 2024 dalle 9 alle 19 con ingresso libero senza prenotazione. Sarà possibile visitare un Sommergibile. Ogni altra informazione può richiesta ai numeri 099/7752823-7670
4.0 (231)
Lungomare Vittorio Emanuele III
Lungomare Vittorio Emanuele III, 74123, Taranto Italy
4.0 (219)
Isole Cheradi - Isola San Pietro e San Paolo
Mar Ionio, 74123, Taranto Italy
4.0 (218)
Monumento al Marinaio d'Italia
Taranto Italy
4.0 (215)
Tempio di Poseidon
Piazza Castello, 74123, Taranto Italy
5.0 (194)
Smile - Entra Solo Chi Sorride
Via Dante 188, 74121, Taranto Italy
Caffè - drink - aperitivi Via dante 188 - Taranto
3.5 (161)
Centro Storico di Taranto
Via Duomo, 74123, Taranto Italy
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