Attractions around Szentendre
Explore 14 attractions, restaurants, shops around Szentendre
4.0 (508)
Main Square (Fo ter)
Szentendre Hungary
This busy central square, lined with cafes and shops, features the Memorial Cross and the Blagovestenska Church (Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary) dating from 1752.
4.0 (451)
Szamos Marzipan Exhibition and Workshop
Dumtsa Jeno utca 12., Szentendre Hungary
4.5 (208)
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Szabadteri Neprajzi Muzeum)
Sztaravodai ut, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
The 50-year-old Skanzen is the biggest open air museum of Hungary and is situated at the foot of the Pilis Mountains, on the territory of a nature reserve. On the 60 hectares 312 buildings can be visited, all organised into regional units. The unique flora and fauna of the Museum makes its natural surroundings special too. The permanent exhibitions of the Skanzen take the visitors back to the rural countryside of 100-200 years ago, where walking among old buildings settled in a traditional settlement pattern, visitors have the unique experience of folk architecture, interior furnishings and way of life. Weekdays and holidays come to life in yards, houses, barns, workshops and churches: the housekeeper is busy in the kitchen, the miller pours grain to the mill-hopper, animals are loud in the farmyard and a bell calls the pupils to the village school.
4.5 (158)
Kovacs Margit Muzeum
Vastagh Gyoergy Utca 1, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
An extensive collection of Margit Kovacs' ceramic works featuring a unique synthesis of folk and Byzantine motifs.
4.5 (106)
Retro Design Center
Rev utca 4, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
Retro Design Center –a time travel into the 70s with 25 cars, among them pink cabriolet Wartburg, rally Moskvitch,Trabant, Zhighuli etc., with motorcycles and bikes from the Eastern block. A hippi girl is waiting the visitors in a home of the era. The museum presents a room with typical toys, another room with household appliences, televisions, tape recorders, radios and walls covered with LPs.
4.5 (88)
Old Town
Varalja lepcso area near Fő tér, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
4.0 (57)
Blagovestenska Church
Fo ter 4, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
This Orthodox Church, dating from 1752, features magnificent icons of Buda and beautiful rococo windows.
4.0 (47)
National Wine Museum
Bogdanyi ut 10, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
4.0 (29)
Ferenczy Museum
Fo ter 6, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
Established as the local history collection of the town in 1951 and named after artist Károly Ferenczy, the museum was relocated to a historic monument building, the 18th-century Pajor Mansion in Kossuth Lajos Street in 2013. In 2016 the museum changed its name to Ferenczy Museum Centre, and today it owns a uniquely rich collection of Szentendre’s painting, graphic art, sculpture, and numismatic art. On the second floor of the building’s old wing one may get a taste of the works of The Eight, founders of the old artists’ settlement in 1926. The exhibition is currently being rearranged. There are two temporary exhibition halls on the first floor. The works of contemporary Szentendre artists are exhibited in Szentendre Hall, whereas in Barcsay Hall projects of national and international artists can be viewed.
4.5 (24)
Transportation Museum
Dozsa Gyoergy ut 3, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
4.5 (22)
Szanto Memorial House
Alkotmany utca 4, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
3.5 (22)
Serbian Orthodox Museum
Patriarka utca 5, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
Extensive collection of 16th- through 19th-century icons, liturgical vessels, Arabic scrolls from the Ottoman period and a variety of other church treasures.
4.0 (16)
Szentendrei Keresztelo Szent Janos Parish Church
Templom ter, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
4.0 (11)
Belgrade Cathedral
Alkotmany utca, Szentendre 2000 Hungary
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