Attractions around Salatiga
Explore 6 attractions, restaurants, shops around Salatiga
4.5 (66)
Mount Merbabu National Park
Salatiga Indonesia
5.0 (42)
Havana Horses
Jalan Sakinah Tegalwaton Kec. Tengaran, Salatiga 50775 Indonesia
Havana Horses offers courses and lessons in natural horsemanship, including groundwork, liberty training and natural riding (dressage and jumping). We handle, train and ride our horses without the use of force, that is, without the use of whip, spurs or bit. Are you an absolute beginner and maybe a bit anxious around horses? Havana Horses offers you the quietness and the time to introduce you to these magnificent & powerful animals. Intermediate and advanced riders can experience the exhilaration of a horse wanting to be you in liberty work; the lightness and responsiveness of a willing horse when you ride. We teach classical dressage and jumping on a loose rein. After you have taken a number of lessons to get familiar with our natural style of riding, you can join us for an exciting trail ride out through the green woods surrounding us, enjoy amazing views from the rice fields, or experience how it is to be a jockey on the race track (only for advanced riders)!
5.0 (26)
Mount Merbabu
Salatiga Indonesia
4.0 (26)
Taman Wisata Kopeng
Jl. Raya Salatiga-Magelang Km. 15 Kopeng, Getasan, Salatiga Indonesia
3.5 (15)
Kopeng Treetop Adventure Park
Jl. Kopeng, Salatiga Indonesia
4.5 (14)
Kali Pancur Waterfall
Nogosaren Village, near Kopeng Semarang Regency, Salatiga Indonesia
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