Attractions around Rantepao
Explore 12 attractions, restaurants, shops around Rantepao
4.0 (339)
Londa Burial Caves
Londa Village, Rantepao Indonesia
4.5 (257)
Kete Kesu Village
Rantepao Indonesia
4.5 (180)
Toraja Village
Ba'tan, kesu' malenong, Rantepao 91831 Indonesia
4.5 (171)
Rantepao Indonesia
5.0 (99)
Tana Toraja Tours
Jl.Andi mappanyukki no 115, Rantepao Indonesia
Tours,Trekking Guide,Rafting, Cars for Rent We have cultural tour,trekking to the villages and terrace raice
4.0 (98)
Rantepao Livestock Market
Rantepao Indonesia
5.0 (69)
Sulawesi Culture and Nature Tour
Rantepao Indonesia
we provide some some experience with local , for example a culture tour , nature tour like trekking and hiking and stay with local in the village . Other thing that we can arrange is we do picking up service from and to the airport makassar airport or Palopo airport, Local tour Guide , accomodation and many more. Regards.
4.5 (57)
Bori' Parinding
Rantepao 91853 Indonesia
It is a combination of ceremonial grounds and burials. The ceremonial ground is an open space used for traditional ceremonies, including rituals for the dead and thanksgiving.
4.5 (39)
Denis Massage & Spa
Jl. Ke'te Kesu Lorong 3, Rantepao 91831 Indonesia
5.0 (36)
Ino Toraja Guide
Rantepao Indonesia
Hello,I'm Ino,work as licenced tour guide in Sulawes.if you need any information about Toraja,don't hesitate to text me.Thank You..
4.5 (24)
Marante Village, Rantepao Indonesia
4.0 (15)
Tugu Salib Bukit Singki
Bukit Singki Rantepao, Rantepao Indonesia
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