Attractions around Perugia
Explore 73 attractions, restaurants, shops around Perugia
4.5 (2158)
Rocca Paolina
Piazza Italia 11, 06121, Perugia Italy
4.5 (1844)
Piazzale Bellucci 16/16/A, 06121, Perugia Italy
4.0 (1568)
Lake Trasimeno
Perugia Italy
Lake Trasimeno is located in the heart of Italy, which makes it an ideal base for visiting Umbria and Tuscany, as well as providing unspoiled nature and a refuge of birds and fish for outdoor enthusiasts.
3.5 (1298)
Citta della Domenica
Vai Col di Tenda 140 Frazione Ferro Di Cavallo, 06125, Perugia Italy
4.5 (1112)
Piazza IV Novembre
Piazza IV Novembre, 01010, Perugia Italy
This is the artistic center of Perugia that features beautiful reliefs carved in the 13 century, a stunning gothic cathedral and the superb Italian medieval palace, the Palazzo Priori, which houses the National Art Gallery of Umbria.
4.5 (1022)
City Centre
Piazza Danti, 06121, Perugia Italy
4.5 (874)
Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria
Corso Vannucci 19, 06121, Perugia Italy
La Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria accoglie una delle più ricche collezioni d’arte d’Italia ed è, allo stesso tempo, uno scrigno della memoria cittadina di Perugia. Le opere sono esposte ai piani superiori del Palazzo dei Priori La collezione della Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria accoglie più di 3000 opere tra dipinti, sculture, ceramiche, tessuti e oreficerie: di queste potrai ammirarne più di 500, mentre le altre sono conservate nei depositi. Il viaggio alla GNU comincia tra Duecento e Trecento, tra la magnificenza degli affreschi di Benedetto Bonfigli nella cappella dei Priori, prosegue con il tardogotico perugino di Gentile da Fabriano e si inoltra tra i capolavori di esponenti del Rinascimento come Piero della Francesca e Pietro Vannucci detto il Perugino. L’ultima parte del percorso museale espone il meglio dell’arte in Umbria tra Seicento e Novecento: tra gli altri artisti come Orazio Gentileschi, Valentin de Boulogne, Pietro da Cortona, Gerardo Dottori e Alberto Burri.
4.5 (845)
Fontana Maggiore
Piazza IV Novembre, Perugia Italy
4.5 (615)
Piazza IV Novembre/Piazza Danti, 06123, Perugia Italy
5.0 (604)
Vineria del Carmine
Strada Castiglione Ugolino snc GPS coordinates - Latitude: 43,2354; Longitude: 12,3742, 06019 La Bruna, Perugia Italy
Join us for a tutored tasting of the wines from the Chiesa del Carmine estate, paired with a selection of local delicacies. Either before or after the tasting, our guests are always invited to tour the Chiesa del Carmine vineyards. We have a free Wifi service and a children's area. Wine shipping can be arranged nationally and internationally. We also organise truffle hunting experiences.
4.0 (604)
Corso Vannucci
Perugia Italy
Many of Perugia's most beautiful and historically significant attractions can be found on or near this street.
4.0 (564)
Pozzo Etrusco
Piazza Danti 18, 06123, Perugia Italy
An exceptional work of hydraulic engineering, it dates back to the second half of the 3rd century B.C., testifying to the advanced degree of civilization reached by the Etruscans at the time. The size of the well, unusual compared to the water reservoirs normally built in Etruscan times, has led experts to believe that it was originally conceived as a cistern and later transformed into a well to reach a deep vein of water. The well is covered by a series of travertine slabs, supported by a system of massive stone beams (“trusses”), each weighing about 8000 kg and fitted in place without the use of mortar. The well can be entered by means of a medieval passageway, reaching a depth of 12 meters, and a modern walkway crosses the well. The well is still fed today by at least 3 veins of water.
4.5 (506)
Tempio di Sant'Angelo - Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo
Via del Tempio, Perugia Italy
4.5 (454)
Basilica di San Pietro
Via Borgo XX Giugno 74, 06100, Perugia Italy
Founded in the 10th century and rebuilt in 1463, this grand Gothic cathedral is a worthwhile stop when visiting Perugia.
4.5 (443)
Palazzo dei Priori
Corso Vannucci 19, 06121, Perugia Italy
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