Attractions around Næstved
Explore 9 attractions, restaurants, shops around Næstved
3.5 (147)
Gavno Slot
Gavno 2, Naestved 4700 Denmark
The foundation was established more than 600 years ago. Today Gavnø is one of Denmark’s greatest cultural treasures with an exceptional history.
4.5 (27)
Herlufsholm Kirke
Herlufsholm Alle 170, Naestved 4700 Denmark
4.0 (25)
Naestved Legeland
Transportbuen 6, Naestved 4700 Denmark
4.0 (24)
Nordisk Film Biografer Naestved
Fabriksvej 1, Naestved 4700 Denmark
4.0 (23)
Naestved Automobilmuseum - Nostalgi Og Samler Museum
Skellet 19, Naestved 4700 Denmark
An experience for the entire family 3400 m2 stuffed with 175 cars, 100 motorcycles and mopeds, 50 workshops and small shops from the 50's and much more. You should also visit the Vintage Coffee Shop.
4.0 (21)
Gavno Klosterkirke
Gavnoe 9, Naestved 4700 Denmark
Gavnø Chapel was indeed build in the name of faith in 1402 and is identical with the convent church from the 14th century, which Queen Margrete the 1. let build one of only two convents in Denmark for the Dominican nuns.
4.0 (16)
Sct. Mortens Kirke
Kattebjerg 2, Naestved 4700 Denmark
3.5 (16)
Rundfart Friheden
Kanalvej 4, Naestved 4700 Denmark
3.5 (14)
Naestved Museum Boderne
Sct Peders Kirkeplds 8, Naestved 4700 Denmark
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