Attractions around Nieuwpoort
Explore 6 attractions, restaurants, shops around Nieuwpoort
4.0 (373)
Westfront Nieuwpoort
Kustweg 2, Nieuwpoort 8620 Belgium
What does Nieuwpoort have in common with Namur, Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Kortrijk and Bruges? In all of these cities you can find a statue of Albert I, the Soldier King. These bronze riders mark the way the German army invaded Belgium in 1914, up until Nieuwpoort where they came to a grinding halt. This was achieved through the power of seawater and the smart coordination of the sluices and locks. But water wasn't only an ally, it condemned Nieuwpoort to a crueler fate, the complete destruction of the city as first city at the front. A hundred years later the monument to King Albert I is a serene place in a beautiful landscape, surrounded by water. The ideal place to tell the story of the inundation. This happens in the hyper-modern visitor center 'Westfront Nieuwpoort' right under the 2500m² terrace of the monument, with a polyvalent inner circle and 3 exposition wings.
4.5 (45)
The Ganzepoot Locks
Nieuwpoort Belgium
4.0 (33)
Barza Beach
Leopoldplein, Nieuwpoort Belgium
4.0 (23)
Schoolstraat, Nieuwpoort 8620 Belgium
3.0 (17)
West Coast Wellness
Kinderlaan 77, Nieuwpoort 8620 Belgium
4.5 (11)
Le Boat - Nieuwpoort
Brugsevaart 48, Nieuwpoort 8620 Belgium
Le Boat is the No:1 provider of self-drive boating holidays on Europe and Canada's inland waterways, with the world's largest fleet and the widest choice of boating destinations to choose from. No licence or experience required! From our base you can head east where famous and pretty Bruges can be reached in 6hrs, and lively Ghent a further 6hrs cruising from there.
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