Attractions around Neuilly-sur-Seine
Explore 7 attractions, restaurants, shops around Neuilly-sur-Seine
4.5 (366)
6, rue du Commandant Pilot, Neuilly-sur-Seine France
Dîner Spectacle Opera Bel Canto Chaque soir les dîners spectacles Bel Canto présentent un spectacle unique alliant l'Opéra à la cuisine française de qualité. Un quatuor de jeunes chanteurs lyriques accompagné au piano interprète les grands airs de l'Opéra (Verdi, Mozart, Bizet, Rossini,Puccini...). Pour célébrer une fête ou un événement personnel ou professionnel, offrez une soirée au restaurant Bel Canto. Vous ferez découvrir à votre famille, vos proches ou vos collègues, le temps d’un dîner au Bel Canto, toute la magie de l’art lyrique.
3.5 (93)
Centre Aquatique Neuilly-sur-Seine
27 boulevard D Inkermann, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine France
3.5 (42)
Dalloyau Neuilly
18 Place du Marche, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine France
DALLOYAU is a House built on expertise. It makes all its products, and its staff includes all the talents of taste and the art of receiving : master cook chefs, master pastry chefs and chocolate chefs, master confectioners, master ice-cream markers and master bakers, together with a reception service for individuals and businesses. This unique combination in France has guaranteed the House's excellence and audacity since its foundation in 1682 at the Royal Court of Louis the XIVth in Versailles.
4.5 (36)
Parc de la folie Saint James
41 rue de Longchamp, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine France
4.5 (14)
Visite Guidee Paris
5 B rue Parmentier, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine France
3.5 (13)
Les Bains De Neuilly Spa
29 avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine France
An eastern stopover in the heart of Paris, « « Les Bains de Neuilly Spa » is more than 600 m2 for intimate comfort and a singular experience. In a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, several areas are available, including three single and two double cabins, three hammams, one Sauna, two rest rooms, a heated swimming pool and a tea salon where you will be proposed mint tea, coffee, water, juices fruits and soda all served continuously. To make things even better, we now propose you a service of Manucure Pedicure for a perfect beauty day!
4.5 (12)
Eglise Saint Pierre
90 avenue du Roule, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine France
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