Attractions around Mosgiel
Explore 1 attractions, restaurants, shops around Mosgiel
4.0 (56)
Wal's Plant & Fun Land
109 Bush Road, Mosgiel, Dunedin 9024 New Zealand
Wal's Plant and Fun Land is more than just a place to buy your plants. It is located just 15 minutes from Dunedin City Centre and set in a unique tranquil setting with ponds, plants, giftware, a cafe, fresh produce, and entertainment for the whole family. There is a an 18-hole mini golf course, a 300m driving range and mini trains that run September through to May on selected Sundays. The Topiary cafe is also open Monday - Sunday, 9am - 5pm and Wal's Vege Land has all your fresh produce needs. Mini golf is open 7 days and is themed from areas around the Taieri area. The course has 18 holes and most groups find it takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. The all weather driving range is approx 300m long with 6 indoor and 6 outdoor stalls. There are clubs available to ensure you can have a hit and let off some steam or perfect your swing. The Otago Miniature Road and Rail Society run the Mini trains at their home at Wa's Plant and Fun Land from September through to May on selected Sundays (normally every second Sunday). There are electric and steam trains that toot around this unique track. Ideal for all ages. Plus Wal's Plant Land has a comprehensive range of plants, trees and shrubs. There is an in-store florist who can make flowers to order and we also have bouquets available daily. There is also a range of bulk landscape supplies and wood and coal in the winter to keep you warm! There is always something to do at Wal's or just come and enjoy the stunning setting. We have it all at Wal's - for all your landscape, gardening and entertainment needs! Its worth the drive to Wal's!
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