Attractions around Modena
Explore 79 attractions, restaurants, shops around Modena
4.5 (2957)
Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari
Via Paolo Ferrari 85 Parcheggio video-sorvegliato Via Giuseppe Soli, 101, 41121, Modena Italy
Museo Casa Ezno Ferrari (Enzo Ferrari's Birthplace Museum) includes the restored house where he was born and a new futuristic automotive design gallery with a yellow cover, designed by the architect Jan Kaplický. It is located in Modena; the Birthplace hosts a permanent exhibition on the life of Ferrari's founder Enzo, while the gallery houses temporary exhibitions of vintage cars. The Museum opened 10th March 2012.
4.5 (2873)
Duomo di Modena
Corso Duomo, 41121, Modena Italy
4.5 (1034)
Piazza Grande - World Heritage Site
Piazza Grande, 41121, Modena Italy
4.5 (959)
Piazza della Torre, 41121, Modena Italy
Alongside the apse of the cathedral, standing 89.32 metres tall, is the Ghirlandina belltower, the symbol of the city of Modena. The Ghirlandina was given this nickname by the city's inhabitants due to the double ring of parapets that crown its steeple, "as light as garlands", ghirlanda in Italian. Built as the belltower for the cathedral, this tower has however played an important civic function since its origins: the ringing of its bells marked the time for life in the city, it announced the opening of the gates in the city walls and acting as a warning for the people in situations of alarm and danger. Its mighty walls guarded the so-called “Sacristy" of the Municipality, which was home to the strongboxes, public documents and objects of great symbolic value like the famous fourteenth-century “Secchia rapita” or Stolen Bucket (a copy is currently on display).
5.0 (638)
Acetaia Villa San Donnino
Strada Medicina 25, 41126, Modena Italy
Production of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and Balsamic Condiment. The Villa of Vinegar in Modena On March 14th 1910 the project of the Villa was submitted on behalf of Lieutenant Claudio San Donnino. It was later to become an exquisite example of Emilia Romagna "liberty". Frescoes and decorations by Aroldo Bonzaghi (1887-1918) with evocative and voluptuous "dannunzian" allegories generate a magical atmosphere. In that extraordinary place, Davide and Cristina invite you to taste special products of Villa San Donnino.
5.0 (581)
Acetaia Giusti
Strada Quattro Ville 52, 41123, Modena Italy
Acetaia giusti is the oldest producer of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, founded in 1605. Nowadays, the company is run by the 17th generation of the Giusti family. A history of more than 400 years full of awards received during the World Exhibitions of the late ‘800s. Among them: the 14 gold medals and the Coat of Arms of the Royal House of Savoia that now characterize the labels of our bottles. The Giusti Balsamic Vinegar collections are available in the most exclusive restaurants and shops in Italy and worldwide.
5.0 (556)
Casa Museo Luciano Pavarotti
Stradello Nava 6, 41126, Modena Italy
Explore the private home Pavarotti built in his beloved hometown, transformed by the Pavarotti Foundation into a museum housing his exceptional collection of personal items, unseen memorabilia, costumes and awards gathered throughout his artistic career.
4.5 (453)
Mercato Albinelli
Via Luigi Albinelli 13, 41121, Modena Italy
The Albinelli Market keeps alive the tradition and heritage of the ancient market that since the Middle Ages has spiced up the streets and squares of Modena, safeguarding the city cultural and nutritional values and the personal and close customer relationship that has always characterized the retail sale. With the October 28th, 1931 new Market inauguration, Modena retail trade left piazza Grande, the original location which hosted it for centuries. The vendors who moved in became stable retailers, leaving behind their previous experience as street vendors for good.Now it is the beating heart of the city of Modena, appreciated by citizens and by visitors the possibility to identify and sample the Modena traditional culinary ingredients and dishes
4.5 (434)
Palazzo Ducale
Piazza Roma 15 visitabile nei weekend con ModenaTur, 41121, Modena Italy
4.5 (329)
4 Madonne Caseificio dell'Emilia
Strada Lesignana 130, 41123, Modena Italy
Visiting our cheese factory,you can witness all the different phases of Parmigiano Reggiano processing first-hand:from the milk delivery to the finished wheels,following all the production phases,the warehouse containing around 33570wheels,the cutting room and the factory shop,where you can taste a range of aged cheeses.
4.5 (313)
Galleria Estense
Largo Porta Sant'Agostino 337 Palazzo dei Musei, 41121, Modena Italy
La Galleria Estense espone la straordinaria collezione d’arte dei duchi d’Este, all’interno del settecentesco Palazzo dei Musei di Modena. Venti sale dedicate al vasto patrimonio estense con opere di pittura, scultura, arte applicata e molto altro. Tra tutti spicca il busto marmoreo di Francesco I d’Este del Bernini, oltre al Crocefisso di Guido Reni, la Madonna col Bambino del Correggio, il Ritratto di Francesco I d'Este del Velázquez, il Trittico di El Greco e La Pietà di Cima da Conegliano.
4.0 (272)
Piazza Roma
Piazza Roma, 41121, Modena Italy
4.5 (271)
Panini Motor Museum
Via Corletto Sud 320, 41126, Modena Italy
4.0 (247)
Museo della Figurina
Corso Canalgrande 103 Palazzo Santa Margherita, 41121, Modena Italy
After passing through an enchanting "tunnel of wonders", visitors will find themselves in the great exhibition room, furnished with six great "store-cupboards", six super-sized albums to browse through, showing the entire history of the picture-card. Each store-cupboard-come-album, reflects a particular part of its history, told through both original prints and objects, giving a total of around 2,500 items.
4.5 (242)
Palazzo Comunale di Modena
Piazza Grande, 41100, Modena Italy