Attractions around Meiningen
Explore 5 attractions, restaurants, shops around Meiningen
4.5 (49)
Meininger Staatstheater
Bernhardstr. 5, 98617 Meiningen, Thuringia Germany
The Meiningen Theatre is among the theatres with the richest tradition in Germany. Director's theatre was born here in the 19th century, under Duke George II. Today, the programme includes drama theatre, musical theatre in original language, concerts, ballet and puppet theatre, as well as a wide offer for children and youth. The theatre restaurant is the perfect place to end an evening. Guided tours of the building are possible, regardless of whether you attend a performance or not.
4.5 (43)
Schloss Elisabethenburg
Schlossplatz 1, 98617 Meiningen, Thuringia Germany
4.5 (19)
Theatermuseum Zauberwelt Der Kulisse
Schlossplatz 1, 98617 Meiningen, Thuringia Germany
3.5 (14)
Goetz- Hohle
Am Dietrich 2, 98617 Meiningen, Thuringia Germany
5.0 (11)
Dampflokwerk Meiningen
Am Flutgraben 2, 98617 Meiningen, Thuringia Germany
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