Attractions around Meaux
Explore 13 attractions, restaurants, shops around Meaux
4.5 (777)
Musee de la Grande Guerre
rue Lazare Ponticelli, 77100 Meaux France
With a collection of some 70,000 items and documents that tell of everyday military life during World War I, the Great War Museum in Meaux (Seine-et-Marne, France) is an opportunity to delve into the history of the First World War, also known as the Great War. The Museum, which opened on 11 November 2011 on the site of the First Battle of the Marne in Meaux, is Europe’s biggest First World War museum. Spread across 3,000 square metres, it has one of the richest and most varied collections linked to the Great War, with attractive, innovative scenography. The museum is closed every year the last three weeks of August; please consult the official website before to make a reservation to check the annual closing dates.
4.5 (218)
Marin d'Eau Douce
7 Chemin Rural Dit de la Marine Plage de Meaux, 77100 Meaux France
Rental of electric boats and without license on the Marne from Meaux Beach. Food and drinks.
4.5 (194)
Cathedrale Saint-Etienne
Place Charles-de-Gaulle, 77000 Meaux France
4.5 (124)
Parc Naturel du Patis
Avenue de la Marne, 77100 Meaux France
4.0 (67)
Musee Bossuet
5 Place Charles de Gaulle, 77100 Meaux France
3.5 (35)
Maison du Brie de Meaux
Place Charles de Gaulle, 77100 Meaux France
4.5 (34)
Meaux Marne Ourcq Tourisme
Place Charles de Gaulle, 77100 Meaux France
5.0 (28)
Brasserie de Meaux
11 rue des Buttes Blanches, 77100 Meaux France
4.5 (27)
La Petite Lucarne
22 rue de la Cordonnerie, 77100 Meaux France
4.5 (23)
Fromagerie Saint Faron
Rue Jehan de Brie Z.I Nord, 77100 Meaux France
La fromagerie Meaux saint Faron vous propose différents fromages au lait cru ( brie de Meaux, brie de Melun, saint Faron, coulommiers ou brie noir) ainsi que diverses produits locaux (bieres, moutards, cidres, jus de pomme, confitures, safran..). Des visites de là fromageries sont possible du Mardi au Samedi sois à 9 heure ou à 14h30 uniquement sur réservation ( par téléphone, par mail, ou directement en boutique). La fromagerie est ouverte au public pour la vente du mardi au samedi de 10h à 12h30 et de 15h30 à 17h.
3.0 (17)
Institut So Zen Spa
8 rue Georges Claude, 77100 Meaux France
4.0 (13)
Chouette Momes
10 rue Georges Claude, 77100 Meaux France
4.0 (11)
Jardin Bossuet
5 Place Charles de Gaulle, 77100 Meaux France
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