Attractions around Maltahöhe
Explore 1 attractions, restaurants, shops around Maltahöhe
4.0 (62)
Neuras - N/a'an ku se Wine and Wildlife Estate
No 2 Neuras Farm, Maltahohe Namibia
Imagine an oasis nestled in the world’s oldest desert – natural fresh water springs, their crystal-clear waters sparkling beneath the fronds of lush palm trees, with dazzling vines swaying in the gentle desert breeze against the backdrop of the Naukluft Mountains. Step into the “place of abandoned water”, Neuras Naankuse Wine and Wildlife Estate. 121 years old, Neuras is one of the driest vineyards in the world, and its in this desert paradise that the Naankuse Foundation has combined the production of exclusive wines with the preservation of what makes Namibia the conservation mecca it is today… its wildlife, landscape and culture. Just as the quality of wines depends on the perfect combination of pure water, fertile soil and an ideal climate, so conservation relies on the pure passion, fertile ingenuity and ideal innovation. We have handmade, hand-bottled and hand-labelled the essence of Neuras, bringing you the true taste of Namibia, in the true spirit of conservation.