Attractions around Kingsville
Explore 4 attractions, restaurants, shops around Kingsville
4.5 (1018)
King Ranch Visitor Center
2205 W Highway 141, Kingsville, TX 78363-2922
A short-day trip from Corpus Christi, the Rio Grande Valley or San Antonio, this 825,000-acre ranch is a privately owned National Historic Landmark and offers daily tours on its Santa Gertrudis division. The King Ranch Museum and Saddle Shop are separate locations in downtown Kingsville. Visitors can watch a video on the history and current operations of the Ranch, as well as explore the butterfly/birding garden on the grounds of the King Ranch Visitor Center. Historical tours are offered twice daily on Tuesday through Saturday. Birding, nature and special interest tours are available by appointment.
4.0 (102)
King Ranch Saddle Shop
201 E Kleberg Ave, Kingsville, TX 78363-4572
This shop offers many furniture items as well as souvenirs.
4.0 (74)
King Ranch
2205 W Highway 141, Kingsville, TX 78363-2922
4.0 (71)
Henrietta Memorial Center King Ranch Museum
405 North 6th Street, Kingsville, TX 78363
The museum is the definitive repository of ranch lore and the items on display clearly evoke life on Captain King’s legendary spread. The King Ranch Museum’s permanent collections include: Toni Frissell’s award-winning photographic essay of life on King Ranch in the early 1940’s; saddles from around the world, guns, and rifles including a King Ranch commemorative Colt Python .357 magnum revolver), and antique carriages and vintage cars, including El Kineño, a custom designed Buick Eight hunting car built for Congressman R. M. Kleberg, Sr., in 1949 by General Motors. Upon arriving at the King Ranch Museum, you are welcomed with a bronze sculpture of Mrs. Henrietta King and her son-in-law Robert J. Kleberg, Sr., as well as a sculpture of the first artesian well that was drilled on King Ranch in the summer of 1899. Visitors can view videos about the history of King Ranch and its main residence.
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