Attractions around Itabirito
Explore 9 attractions, restaurants, shops around Itabirito
4.0 (195)
Jeca Tatu Museu e Centro Multicultural
Rodovia dos Inconfidentes, km 45, Itabirito, State of Minas Gerais 35450-000 Brazil
4.5 (80)
Mercearia Paraopeba
Rua Joao Pessoa 110, Itabirito, State of Minas Gerais 35450-000 Brazil
4.0 (39)
Complexo Turistico da Estacao
Rua Raul Soares 349, Itabirito, State of Minas Gerais 35450-000 Brazil
The Tourist Complex of the Station sheltered at the end of the 19th century the old Railway Station and the support facilities for the Dom Pedro II Railway, later called as Central do Brasil. The inauguration of the Railway Station building took place on July 16, 1887 and marked a new phase in the economy of Itabirito, as it stimulated investments in the opening of companies related to the steel, textile and leather sectors. The Tourist Complex of the Station was for a long time in disuse, until in 2002, when by the initiative of the public power it underwent a major reform, and was reinaugurated on September 2003. There are some services that currently operate in the Complex: the Reference Center and Tourist Information (Open times: working days, from 08:00 to 18:00 and on weekends and holidays from 09:00 to 15:00), the Association of Artists and Artisans (Open times: every day from 09:00 to 17:00), the Railroad Hall - used for several events, and the Municipal Public Library .
4.5 (32)
Cristo Redentor
Estrada do Tombadouro Morro do Cristo, Itabirito, State of Minas Gerais 35450-000 Brazil
3.5 (19)
Cachoeiras de Carrancas, Cascalho, Pocinho e Cruzado
Restaurante Catana da Serra, Itabirito, State of Minas Gerais 35450-000 Brazil
4.5 (17)
Serra do Gandarela National Park
Itabirito, State of Minas Gerais Brazil
4.5 (15)
Parque Ecologico
Av. Queiroz Junior 1500, Itabirito, State of Minas Gerais 35450-000 Brazil
4.0 (12)
Museu de Arte e Oficio de Itabirito
Rua do Rosario, 04 Boa Viagem, Itabirito, State of Minas Gerais 35450-000 Brazil
4.5 (11)
Cachoeira Chicadona
Estrada Rio Acima Distrito de Acurui, Itabirito, State of Minas Gerais 35450-000 Brazil
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