Attractions around Istres
Explore 8 attractions, restaurants, shops around Istres
4.5 (213)
Le Castellan, 13800 Istres France
Dinosaur'Istres est un site exceptionnel avec une vingtaine d'especes representees “a grandeur reelle” le long d’un parcours suivant leur apparition chronologique sur terre, accompagne de panneaux explicatifs sur chaque espece et sur des themes generaux. Dinosaur’Istres, offre a la fois une promenade ludique et instructive pour petits et grands. Le site du Castellan, qui a ete entierement preser
4.0 (111)
Plage de la Romaniquette
13800 Istres France
This beach, located east of the town, is a favourite among holidaymakers, owing to the quality of the location, the panoramic view of the etang de Berre and the easy access. Its design makes it possible for many summer visitors to benefit from an equipped area with a diverse leisure offer. It is secure with a lifeguard point and independent toilets. Parking is available nearby.
4.0 (93)
Etang de l'Olivier
13800 Istres France
A 220 hectare lagoon, linked to the etang de Berre by the Cascaveau canal, the étang de l'Olivier and its pedestrian footpath, is perfect for relaxation and a stroll, whatever time of year. Located in the heart of the town, the lagoon is surrounded by various tourist attractions, such as the Saint Sulpice Chapel, with its excellent exhibitions, the Mediterranean Garden and the dinosaur hill, Dinosaur'Istres. The big events take place on the banks of the lagoon: the jeudis étoilés, fireworks, ‘faites du sport’...
4.0 (38)
Art Zoo Istres
Parc de l'Olivier Chemin du castellan, 13800 Istres France
5.0 (30)
Escape Mind
22 rue Joseph Thoret ZI du Tube nord, 13800 Istres France
3.5 (29)
Plage du Ranquet
Chemin de la Plage, 13800 Istres France
Ranquet beach stretches over 1,850m2 to the south-east of the town, and is a key element of the neighbourhood. Its layout and that of its immediate surroundings reinforce the family identity of the site. The beach is equipped and supervised, and is perfect for some well-earned relaxation.
4.5 (28)
Office de Tourisme d'Istres
30 Allees Jean Jaures, 13800 Istres France
Establishment classified in the first category, the Tourist Office will welcome you from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 12pm and from 14pm to 18pm, and Sundays and holidays from 10h to 13h in summer. Our trips advisors are at your disposal to inform you and advise you during your stay in Istres and Provence tours, excursions, accommodation, catering ... All relevant information is found in our premises.
4.5 (18)
La table de Cav'istres
56 avenue Helene Boucher, 13800 Istres France