Attractions around Icapuí
Explore 11 attractions, restaurants, shops around Icapuí
4.5 (266)
Praia Ponta Grossa
Icapui, State of Ceara 62810-000 Brazil
Located in the beautiful city of Icapuí , east coast of Ceará , the beach of Ponta Grossa is an ecological refuge, with incredible scenery . Their multicolored cliffs leave the place decorated , contrasting with its immensely sky blue, the waters are calm , ideal for bathing co various natural tourist attractions , community cultural and historical offer visitors a diverse visit. With cliffs and lovely dunes, Rasp Tip is an eco-friendly beach, worthy of the highest qualification certification Clean Beach . your calm and full sea pools provide a perfect bath. the postcards carved naturally by time, are perceived at every step.
4.5 (167)
Praia da Redonda
Icapui, State of Ceara 62810-000 Brazil
4.5 (86)
Praia da Redonda
Praca Adauto Roseo, Icapui, State of Ceara 62810-000 Brazil
4.5 (64)
Peroba Beach
Icapui, State of Ceara 62810-000 Brazil
4.5 (62)
Estacao Ambiental Mangue Pequeno e Passarela no Mangue
Praia da Requenguela, Icapui, State of Ceara 62810-000 Brazil
4.5 (53)
Falesias em Ponta Grossa
Ponta Grossa, Icapui, State of Ceara 62810-000 Brazil
4.0 (39)
Praia de Barreiras
Rua Barreiras de Cima, Icapui, State of Ceara Brazil
4.5 (31)
Requenguela Beach
Icapui, State of Ceara Brazil
4.0 (27)
Mirante da Serra do Mar
Rua Rosa Reboucas Ce-261, Icapui, State of Ceara 62810-000 Brazil
4.5 (17)
Praia de Redonda
Icapui, State of Ceara 62810-000 Brazil
4.0 (11)
Tremember Beach
Icapui, State of Ceara 62700-000 Brazil
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Somerset, United States
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