Attractions around Gdańsk
Explore 92 attractions, restaurants, shops around Gdańsk
4.5 (7028)
Old Town
Gdansk Poland
4.5 (3658)
Europejskie Centrum SolidarnoSci
Pl. Solidarnosci 1, Gdansk 80-863 Poland
We believe that the experience of the Polish road to freedom gives us civic energy even today and that the heritage of Solidarnosc (Solidarity) is still a source of invigorating ideas for Europe
4.5 (3303)
Museum of the Second World War (Muzeum II Wojny Swiatowej)
Wladyslawa Bartoszewskiego 1, Gdansk 80-862 Poland
4.5 (2076)
Dluga Street (ul. Dluga)
Gdansk Poland
4.5 (1772)
St. Mary's Church
Podkramarska 5, Gdansk 80-834 Poland
4.5 (1720)
Mariacka Street (ulica Mariacka)
Mariacka, Gdansk Poland
4.0 (1577)
Gdansk Poland
The historic site where World War II broke out on September 1, 1939 includes a small museum and a towering monument to the Polish defenders.
4.5 (1080)
Neptune's Fountain (Fontanna Neptuna)
Dlugi Targ, Gdansk Poland
4.5 (934)
Archikatedra Oliwska
Biskupa Edmunda Nowickiego 5, Gdansk 80-330 Poland
4.5 (923)
Motlawa River Embankment (Dlugie Pobrzeze)
Dlugie Pobrzeze, Gdansk Poland
4.0 (820)
Oliwa Zoo
ul. Karwienska 3, Gdansk 80-328 Poland
4.5 (701)
Oliwski Park
St. Partisans, 36, Gdansk 80-254 Poland
4.0 (673)
AmberSky Gdansk - Kolo Widokowe
Olowianka 1, Gdansk 80-751 Poland
4.5 (649)
Main Town Hall - Museum of Gdansk
Dluga 46/47 Town Hall, Gdansk 80-831 Poland
Main Town Hall stands at the convergence of Długa and Długi Targ streets. The origins of the edifice go down to the early Middle Ages. From mid-15th century and up to the year 1921 it was the seat of the city authorities. This Gothic and Renaissance building features one of the most beautiful Renaissance halls in Northern Europe. In the summertime, the tower offers a panoramic view of Gdańsk.
4.0 (556)
Museum of Amber - Museum of Gdansk
ul. Wielkie Mlyny 16, Gdansk 80-849 Poland
Gdańsk deserves the title of the World Capital of Amber. Jewellery and utensils of amber have been produced here for centuries. The Museum of Amber displays natural lumps of the resin and its inclusions, as well as finished products, e.g. jewellery, cutlery and chests. The visitor will learn how amber is formed, how it is extracted, what its properties are, and how it has been worked over the ages.