Attractions around Figeac
Explore 8 attractions, restaurants, shops around Figeac
4.5 (512)
Musee Champollion
Place Champollion, 46100 Figeac France
Jean François Champollion, the decipherer of Egyptian hieroglyphics, was born in Figeac in 1790. The Museum of Writing takes the visitor on a journey following Champollion’s footsteps that gives them the opportunity to take part in the adventure of the written word and consider its place in our future world.
4.5 (288)
Office de Tourisme du Grand Figeac, Vallees du Lot et du Cele
Rue Orthabadial, 46100 Figeac France
4.5 (97)
Eglise Saint Sauveur
5 rue de Colomb, 46100 Figeac France
4.0 (73)
Commanderie des Templiers
41 rue Gambetta, 46100 Figeac France
Knight templar commandery, 13 cty, 600m2 compleatelly rennovated and furnished - time travel :-), bistro in court,
4.5 (46)
Place des Ecritures
8 Place Champollion, 46100 Figeac France
4.5 (29)
Musee Paulin Ratier
16 rue Caviale, 46100 Figeac France
4.5 (19)
avenue de Nayrac, 46100 Figeac France
4.0 (14)
Marche de Figeac
Place du Foirail, 46100 Figeac France
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