Attractions around Cuenca
Explore 20 attractions, restaurants, shops around Cuenca
5.0 (2439)
El Cajas National Park
Cuenca 010219 Ecuador
Known for its more than 275 Andean lakes and many waterfalls, this national park is a popular destination for trout fishing, rugged hiking and camping.
4.5 (1196)
Mirador de Turi
Av Mirador de Turi, Cuenca 010150 Ecuador
4.5 (1129)
La Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepcion de Cuenca
Padre Aguirre 8-27 In front of Parque Calderon, Cuenca 010150 Ecuador
This large cathedral (circa 1885) features a series of sky-blue cupolas; the interior contains a magnificent altar and a famous crowned image of the Virgin Mary.
4.5 (987)
Rio Tomebamba
Cuenca Ecuador
Separating the colonial section from the modern residential areas of the town of Cuenca, this river features scenic walking paths along its north bank and several Inca ruins.
4.5 (902)
Museo Pumapungo
Calle Larga y Huayna Capac, Cuenca 010107 Ecuador
The Museum and Ancestral Park of Pumapungo, are the two main elements that conform the cultural complex administered by Ecuador's Culture and Heritage Ministry in the city of Cuenca. These are public spaces, open to a variety of cultural activities, projects, and initiatives, that have a very profound meaning for Cuenca's citizens. Pumapungo Museum has a lot of different components. It has seven temporary exhibition rooms were a wide diversity of exhibitions are produced: art, history, photography, sculpture are some of them. It also has an archeology exhibition room - site museum, where the development of society is explained through time, as well as the Inca occupation and findings at the Pumapungo archeological site. In addition, the museum exhibits the national ethnography room, where Ecuador's multicultural diversity is displayed through vivid representations of every day's life, dresses, instruments and images. The museum also counts with a library and historic archive; both open for free and open access from the public, art, archeology and ethnography reserves, which are available for students as well as for national and international investigators. In total, the complex conserves around 160.000 cultural and heritage goods. Another important component of the cultural complex is the Ancestral Park. There are three main elements: The archeological park, where visitors can appreciate the remains of the once most important administrative, military and religious center of the northern part of the Inca Empire; the Ethnobotanic park, with more than 230 species of native Andean plants and trees, this space has become the last native ecological niche in the center of Cuenca, and it is the reason why it is visited by more than 30 local species of birds daily. The park is also a very important space for educational activities aimed at illustrate ancestral knowledge and traditions. The bird rescue center is the last element of Pumapungo's Ancestral Park. At the moment it contains about 200 birds of around 25 species. It complements the whole educative content of the park, as this animals are filled with significance and myths of our ancestors. We work together with the Ministry of environment to fight against the illicit traffic of native species. In this area we cure and feed the birds that are brought by the competent authorities. After the birds have reached its optimal shape, we coordinate its liberation in the birds original environment. Shamefully, in most of the cases, this liberation process is not possible, as the birds have suffered from irreversible injuries, and conditioning of their behavior. The park has a full time 13 people team, that carry the traditional knowledge needed to attend all of its areas. Biologists, veterinarians, agronomic engineers, are amongst them.
4.5 (689)
Plaza Abdon Calderon
Mariscal Sucre, Cuenca 010150 Ecuador
The main city square of Cuenca is dominated by the magnificent Catedral de la Immaculada (New Cathedral).
4.5 (513)
Pumapungo Museo
Calle Larga y Huayna Capac Esquina, Cuenca 010150 Ecuador
4.5 (444)
Museo Catedral Vieja
Calle Luis Cordero Mariscal Sucre, Cuenca 010150 Ecuador
Situated on top of some ancient Inca ruins, this cathedral was built in 1557 when modern Cuenca was founded.
4.5 (325)
AMARU Bioparque Cuenca Zoologico
Autopista Cuenca _ Azogues, en el Km 10 1/2, Cuenca 010150 Ecuador
4.5 (250)
Museo de las Culturas Aborigenes
Calle Larga 5-24 y Mariano Cueva, Cuenca 010150 Ecuador
5000 Beautiful archaeologic pieces displayed in 15 rooms.
4.5 (187)
Eduardo Vega Galeria Taller
201, Camino a Turi, Cuenca 5937 Ecuador
4.5 (178)
Ecuagenera - Orchids from Ecuador
Km. 2 1/2 Via a Cuenca Sector Llampasay, Cuenca 010150 Ecuador
If you are an orchid lover and have planned to visit ECUADOR, one of the most biodiverse countries in the world where more than 4,200 species of Ecuadorian Orchids grow, home to more than 1600 species of birds, 16 ethnic groups, 70 volcanoes in the Andes Highlands, and its wonderful beaches... We invite YOU to visit the SOUTH AMERICA'S LARGEST ORCHID NURSERY... "ECUAGENERA". It is located in the South part of Ecuadorian Highlands, 40km near to Cuenca City in the Province of Azuay. A privileged area with an altitude of 2200m above sea level and a temperature of 17oC that allow us to grow orchids of different microclimates: Coast, Highlands and Amazon. Visit us and enjoy this wonderful weather, take amazing pictures of all the Ecuadorian orchids that are in bloom and be part of the experience. As well, you will learn about the conservation program Ecuagenera is caring out, orchids growing process, commercialization and exportation. We are sure that your visit to this wonderful place will result you a FASCINATING EXPERIENCE AND MARVELOUS ADVENTURE.
4.5 (147)
El Museo de Las Conceptas
Hermano Miguel 7-12 y juan jaramillo, Cuenca 010150 Ecuador
4.5 (82)
El Carmen de la Asuncion Church
Calle Sucre and Padre Aguirre, Cuenca 010150 Ecuador
4.5 (75)
Parque El Paraiso
Cuenca Ecuador