Attractions around Concón
Explore 9 attractions, restaurants, shops around Concón
4.5 (586)
Concon Dunes
Concon Chile
3.5 (336)
Playa Amarilla
Calle Borgona al 2000, Concon 23120 Chile
4.0 (119)
Playa Los Lilenes
Av. Borgono 20500, Concon Chile
4.5 (98)
Ritoque Expeditions
Ruta 30 Km 3, Concon 2510420 Chile
Ritoque Expediciones arose from the efforts of Sebastian Lara, horse breeder for all his life, and Maria Elena Rodriguez, dedicated to Pubic Relations, as a way to keep their way of living next to horses and nature and sharing this experience with people.Our objective is to allow Chileans and foreigners to enjoy outstanding nature locations. Our aim in each one of our trips is that our clients get to know as well as possible the flora, fauna and culture of the places that we visit. Our clients will, comfortably and safely, make a special connection with the people and nature of the area.We are part of the Guía de Turismo Rural (Countryside Tourism Guide) of the V region of Chile, supported by Sernatur (Nacional Tourism Service) since 2005; and we received the prize “Premio Sernatur a la Gestión Emprendimiento Turístico 2006”.We are located 3 kilometers north from Concón, on the highway to Quintero. Only 30 kilometres north from Valparaíso, and only two hours from SantiagoRitoque Expediciones nace hace 8 años de la inquietud de Sebastián Lara y María Elena Rodríguez, por mantener un estilo de vida cercano a la naturaleza y los animales. Y compartirla con quienes estuvieran interesados en vivir una experiencia cercana a la vida de naturaleza. Nuestra misión es que chilenos y extranjeros puedan disfrutar de lugares de naturaleza exuberantes en belleza y quietud. Compartimos nuestra forma de cocina, que se caracteriza por comida chilena, generalmente asados siempre alrededor de una gran fogata! Trabajamos con grupos de diverso tamaño, montados sobre un caballo, según se requiera. Organizamos eventos al aire libre, ofreciendo servicio de comidas que montamos en el lugar de la actividad, ya sea en medio de las dunas o a orillas del Estero Mantagua, etc..Generalmente contamos con guías bilingües inglés – español que acompañan a nuestros clientes durante el recorrido. Formamos parte de la Guía de Turismo Rural de la V Región, apoyados por Sernatur desde el 2005 hasta la fecha y recibimos el Premio Sernatur a la Gestión y Emprendimiento Turístico 2006.
4.0 (53)
Playa La Boca
Concon 2510491 Chile
4.5 (48)
Campo Educativo
Fundo El Colmito Vina del Mar, Concon 2510000 Chile
4.5 (40)
Roca Oceanica
Av. Borgono, Concon Chile
5.0 (21)
ViveFogata Excursiones Outdoors
Concon Chile
Guided horseback riding, traveling along trails through the Mantagua Wetland, Ritoque Beach, the great Dune Field and its forests. We have horses for all tastes, and if you do not have experience with us you can learn. We have spaces (La Ruca) specially prepared to receive our visitors, both upon arrival and at the intermediate stop of the parade, where we will serve fruits, cookies and water, as well as share experiences.
4.5 (20)
Open Plaza Concon
Av Barros Borgono 792, Concon 2510000 Chile
At Open Plaza we have everything to spend a pleasant time with your friends. The best music of the 70's, 80's and 90's to enjoy and dance, Happy Hour Friday until 00:00 hrs. Every Friday and Saturday from 22:00 to 04:30 am, food and drinks to enjoy and a unique atmosphere in Concon and in the area thought for you.
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