Attractions around Chinchiná
Explore 3 attractions, restaurants, shops around Chinchiná
5.0 (96)
Hacienda Guayabal
km 3 via Chinchina a Pereira, Caldas, Colombia N 4.95691 W 75.60664, Chinchina 10 Colombia
"A Magical journey, from the grain to the cup..." Why the Colombian coffee is the best Coffee? The answer are in Hacienda Guayabal. To Know Colombia, you must start from it´s heart. The best Tour of Coffee, every day, guiaded tour and many more. family farm for over 50 years. 100% Colombian Coffee.
5.0 (89)
Eje Cafetero Ruta Campesina
Chinchina Colombia
Live Colombia with authentic experiences. Coffee Experience Colombian Arepas Experience Traditional transportation experience Chocolate Experience Panela Experience Enjoy beautiful landscapes We are native peasant families from the Colombian Eje Cafetero, We are locals.
5.0 (13)
Hacienda El Sinai
Vereda Alto de La Mina 15 kms from Chinchina, Chinchina Colombia
Hacienda el sinai is a Centenary coffee farm since 1854. today his owner show you how the coffee was discovered and how the coffee is processed. you can also enjoy a great coffee cup in a special cafe museo coffee shop located in the first floor of the hacienda.