Attractions around Camboriú
Explore 63 attractions, restaurants, shops around Camboriú
4.5 (10753)
Parque Unipraias Camboriu
Avenida Atlantica 6006 Barra Sul, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina 88330-036 Brazil
Unipraias Park is the main tourist attraction of Balneario Camboriu / SC – Brazil. The cable cars connect three stations, between the south side of Balneario Camboriu, up to Aguada Hill and down to the Laranjeiras Beach, and take you to a unique experience with a privileged view of the city and the Rainforest. It's the only one in the world to connect two beaches! Buy your ticket in advance and avoid queues. Embark on this adventure! Unipraias Park has 47 cable cars that interconnect 3 stations: Barra Sul, Mata Atlantica and Laranjeiras. After exchanging your voucher for a ticket at the Barra Sul station, you will board a cable car to the Mata Atlantica station. Located on the top of Aguada Hill, 240 meters high, this station houses trails, viewpoints, food court and three incredible attractions (optional): Youhooo! ZipRider and Fantastic Forest. Ending the tour at Mata Atlantica Station you will embark again on the cable cars towards the Laranjeiras Station.
4.0 (6397)
Praia das Laranjeiras
Rod. Interpraias, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina 88330-360 Brazil
4.0 (3936)
Cristo Luz
Rua Indonesia 800, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina 88338-285 Brazil
Atração de destaque em Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, e no território nacional, o Complexo Turístico Cristo Luz atrai anualmente milhares de visitantes do Brasil e do exterior em busca de diversão, de vistas inesquecíveis e para observar de perto o imponente monumento artesanal e o espetáculo de cores e de luzes diário no céu da cidade. Localizado em um dos pontos mais altos de Balneário Camboriú, a 150 metros de altura, o monumento "Cristo Luz" possui 33 metros de altura, 22m de largura e pesa 528 toneladas. Foi esculpido de forma artesanal em argamassa, e construído em ferro, aço e cimento.
4.0 (2965)
Central Beach
Av. Atlantica S/N, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina Brazil
4.5 (2215)
Molhe - Barra Sul
Avenida Atlantica, em frente ao Parque Unipraias, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina Brazil
4.5 (1874)
Morro do Careca
Rua Gregorio de Matos, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina 88331-475 Brazil
4.5 (1384)
Avenida Atlantica
Da Barra Sul até A Barra Norte, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina 88330-003 Brazil
4.0 (997)
Barco Pirata
Avenida Normando Tedesco 6006 Barra Sul, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina 88330-908 Brazil
4.5 (914)
Estaleirinho Beach
Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina Brazil
4.5 (910)
Balneario Shopping
Avenida Santa Catarina 1 Bairro dos Estados, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina 88339-005 Brazil
4.5 (860)
Amores Beach
Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina Brazil
4.5 (710)
Estaleiro Beach
A 11 km do Centro, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina Brazil
4.5 (629)
Passeio San Miguel
Avenida Brasil 3322 Entre as ruas 3300 e 3420, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina 88330-063 Brazil
Wonderful boulevard, where you can shop, eat well and have a good time with your friends and family. An open-air mall with gastronomic diversity, live music. A pleasant environment to walk with family and friends.
4.0 (592)
Oceanic Aquarium
Rua 4000, 133 Barra Sul - Centro, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina 88330-180 Brazil
Developed for the preservation of animals, the Oceanic Aquarium features a fully equipped structure for your enjoyment and the well-being of the animals. More than 140 species, the aquarium has 3,500m² of visitation area, there are 30 thematic enclosures, where you can get to know up close: penguins, otters, rays, sharks, alligators, anaconda, among others. In addition to a suspended glass walkway that allows you to walk under the sharks' habitat, it has, as a final complement, a 3D cinema with virtual reality glasses.
4.5 (540)
Praia de Taquaras
A 8, 5 Km do Centro, Balneario Camboriu, State of Santa Catarina Brazil
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