Attractions around Biella
Explore 25 attractions, restaurants, shops around Biella
4.0 (399)
Quartiere Del Piazzo
Via Avogadro, Biella Italy
3.5 (237)
Parco Commerciale Gli Orsi
V.le Modugno, Biella Italy
4.5 (98)
Battistero del Duomo
Piazza Duomo, 13900 Biella Italy
4.0 (86)
Duomo di Biella
Piazza Duomo, 13900 Biella Italy
4.5 (75)
Parco Avventura Veglio
Veglio, 13824 Biella Italy
Surely one of the most beautiful and complete adventure parks in Italy, Parco Avventura Veglio it is set in a very beautiful chestnut forest, where the trees support a range of ladders, nets, swings, and zip-lines. It is well-adapted for people in every age category, with its different courses, each with a different level of difficulty and each with its special challenges.
4.0 (54)
Palazzo La Marmora
Corso del Piazzo 19, 13900 Biella Italy
Palazzo La Marmora is a historic 16th-century mansion located in the medieval borough Piazzo in Biella. The Palace is a precious example of a house museum, as it has always belonged to the same family for eight centuries. Every details at Palazzo La Marmora - paintings, furniture, archives, garden, etc. - tells hundreds of stories about both extraordinary and ordinary lives. Now the Palace and its Renaissance garden is a sophisticated location for romantic weddings, exclusive shootings, charming private and corporate events. It is also a place for exhibitions, concerts and cultural activities. Guided tours are available every Sunday until October 14th 2018, between 14.30 and 18.30 but you are welcome to book a visit whenever you want. You may even spend a holiday at our apartments "Le Scuderie".
4.5 (53)
Libreria Vittorio Giovannacci
Via Italia 14, 13900 Biella Italy
4.5 (48)
MeBo - Menabrea Botalla Museum
Via Eriberto Ramella Germanin 2, 13900 Biella Italy
4.5 (48)
Via Giovanni Battista Serralunga 27, 13900 Biella Italy
4.0 (44)
Museo del Territorio Biellese
Via Quintino Sella 54/b Chiostro di San Sebastiano, 13900 Biella Italy
4.0 (44)
Parco Avventura Oropa
Piazzale Busancano, Oropa, 13900 Biella Italy
4.5 (37)
Palazzo Gromo Losa
Corso del Piazzo 22/24, 13900 Biella Italy
Palazzo Gromo Losa was originally an elegant noble residence. The original nucleus of the complex is the northeastern wing, which most likely dates from the 14th century. Over the following centuries the building was extended to its present dimensions. At the end of the 19th century the Palazzo was acquired by the Rosminian Sisters of Providence, who founded the “Beata Vergine d’Oropa” (B.V.O.) Institute. In 2004 the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation invested 12 millions euros to maintain its cultural vocation, giving space to various Biella associations and carrying out a thorough restoration. Nowadays Palazzo Gromo Losa is a site for both a modern exhibition centre and a series of social and cultural events and projects. Its charming and functional venues make Palazzo Gromo Losa the ideal location for hosting conferences, meetings and concerts. Created thanks to the support of a private patron from Biella, the Italian garden covers about 10,000 square metres in all.
4.5 (35)
M.A.C.I.S.T. - Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Internazionale Senza Tendenze
Costa di Riva 11, 13900 Biella Italy
4.0 (34)
Campanile del Duomo di Biella
Piazza Duomo, 13900 Biella Italy
5.0 (24)
L'Alchimista Cafe
Via Tripoli 11/C, 13900 Biella Italy