Attractions around Belokurikha
Explore 15 attractions, restaurants, shops around Belokurikha
4.5 (265)
Cerkovka Mountain
Belokurikha Russia
4.5 (78)
Swan Natural Area
Belokurikha Russia
3.5 (73)
Aquapark Belovodiye
ul. Akademika Myasnikova 4, And 4A, Belokurikha 659900 Russia
The water Park features: two swimming pools (children's and large). The area of the large pool is 200 sq.m. the Temperature of the water in the children's pool is 32°C, in a large 30°C. Continuously cleaning (without chlorine), disinfection and the addition of fresh tap water. Special reagents, filter system and ultraviolet radiation are used; various water attractions: geyser, master massage, waterfall, Aero-massage plateau. Directed streams of water and air jets have a beneficial effect on the muscular system and have a massage effect; two slides: "Toboggan" - length 47 m, made in the form of serpentine; "Kamikaze" - length 9 m, made in the form of pipes; Solarium rental of water equipment and sale of related products
4.5 (48)
Health Club Vodny Mir
Slavskogo st., 9, Belokurikha 659900 Russia
4.5 (41)
Temple of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon
Dalnyaya St, 18, Belokurikha 659900 Russia
4.5 (39)
Church in Honor of St. Nicholas
Slavskogo, 32, Belokurikha 659900 Russia
4.5 (37)
Chairlift to Mountain Tserkovka
Near the ski resort Blagodat, Belokurikha Russia
4.5 (34)
Rock Four Brothers
Belokurikha Russia
4.0 (30)
Belokurikha City Museum named after S.I. Gulyaev
Slavskogo St., 19, Belokurikha 659900 Russia
4.0 (22)
Ski Resort Blagodat
Slavskogo St., 77, Belokurikha 659900 Russia
4.0 (18)
Mishina Mountain, Belokurikha Russia
4.0 (18)
Ski Resort Danilovka
Lesnaya st., 9, Belokurikha 659900 Russia
4.0 (15)
Rock Women's Joy
Belokurikha Russia
4.5 (13)
U Mikhalycha
Altaiskaya St., 13, Belokurikha 659900 Russia
4.0 (12)
Night Club SOK
Slavskogo St., 34, Belokurikha 659900 Russia