Attractions around Arequipa
Explore 74 attractions, restaurants, shops around Arequipa
4.5 (7616)
Monasterio de Santa Catalina
Santa Catalina 301, Arequipa Peru
Considered a masterpiece of colonial architecture, this monastery is a large complex of rooms, picturesque plazas, ornate fountains and a maze of narrow, cobblestone streets.
4.5 (3873)
Plaza de Armas
Plaza de Armas, Arequipa Peru
Serving as the focus of urban life and evening activities, this elegant grand square features graceful colonnades, swaying palms and lush gardens.
4.5 (2041)
Historic Centre of Arequipa
Arequipa Peru
4.0 (1639)
Miguel Grau 402, Arequipa 04013 Peru
4.5 (1602)
Museo Santuarios Andinos
La Merced 110 A Media Cuadra De La Plaza De Armas, Arequipa 04001 Peru
This museum’s main attraction is Juanita, whose ritually sacrificed and frozen body was unearthed in a volcanic explosion. This young girl’s miraculously preserved DNA has provided priceless insight into the Inca civilization.
4.5 (1096)
Museo de la Catedral de Arequipa
Plaza de Armas de Arequipa El Ingreso es Por el Portal Lateral de la Calle Santa Catalina, Arequipa Areq 01 Peru
In the heart of Arequipa in the Museum of the Cathedral, valuable pieces of art and culture, which reflect the beauty of its Catholic faith, shine for Peru and the world. Monday to Saturday of 10 – 17 hours, all year.En el Corazón de Arequipa en el Museo de la Catedral, brillan para el Perú y el mundo piezas valiosas de arte y cultura, que reflejan la belleza de su fe católica. Horario: Lunes a sábado de 10 am – 5 pm.
4.5 (1050)
Oasis Palmeras Travel Tour Operator
Calle Jerusalen 314, Arequipa 04001 Peru
4.5 (903)
Volcan Misti
Ruta 682, s/n lies between the mountain Chachani and the volcano Pichu-Pichu, Arequipa 054 Peru
4.5 (855)
Free Tour Downtown Arequipa
Santa Catalina 204, Arequipa Peru
We will show you the highlights of Arequipa through our unique style of combining history with entertainment. Make your reservation online , from Monday to Sunday 24/7 first departure 10 a.m. & Second departure 2 p.m.(Mon. to Fri.), Third departure 3 p.m.
5.0 (636)
Chaqchao chocolate making workshop
Calle Santa Catalina 204, Arequipa Peru
The classes run for 2.5 hours and include: - Explanation of the bean to bar chocolate making process and history of cacao - Roasting and husking your own cacao beans - Making your own cacao paste in the traditional Mexican style with a granite stone morter - Making Xocolatl, an ancient Mexican drink. - Blind taste of different chocolates to understand the differences between commercial and artisan chocolate - Making your own chocolates with Andean grains, like quinoa, kiwicha, and coca to take home with you. The class is taken within our Chaqchao café where we also sell organic Peruvian coffee, organic homemade desserts, craft Peruvian beer and of course our bean to bar chocolates.
5.0 (634)
Carlitos Tours
Urb. Nuevo Peru M-15, Arequipa 51 Peru
A New Way For Tourist To Visit Colca Canyon , We Want To Give The Best Service For A Cheap Price,it Is Important For Us :sustainable Tourism, Supporting Differents Families, And Taking Not The Classic Routes
4.5 (599)
Iglesia de la Compania de Jesus
Plaza de Armas, Arequipa Peru
4.5 (422)
Mundo Alpaca Arequipa
Avenida Juan de la Torre 101 San Lazaro, Arequipa 04001 Peru
Live the Alpaca experience and know the tradition, process, and history of its fibre and the wonderful textile industry of the Andes. Additionally, visit our new pre-Columbian textile museum and discover the beginnings of this wonderful art.
5.0 (421)
Tierra Milenaria
Arequipa 04000 Peru
We offer a variety of tour packages, according to the demands of the current market, thus providing you with the opportunity to only worry about enjoying your trip. We have 100% qualified staff to serve you in the best way, always on time for all your requirements.
4.5 (415)
Peruvian Cooking Experience
Av San Martin 116 Vallecito, Arequipa 0001 Peru
"Hands On" activity where you prepare typical peruvian recipes while chatting and learning about this wonderful country. A great location, experienced instructors, and original recipes. Exellent photo oportunities. A souvenir you will repeat once back home with your beloveds. Open and confirmed daily except for Sunday. In English but enough Spanish for you to flavour it together with the food. The class takes place in Casa de Avila Hotel, where you get a discount if you also book acommodation. A visit to the market tour and a Pisco Sour Experience, are great compliments to book together with cooking. Of course, once prepared, you will enjoy the meal with the group exchanging travel experiences. Two hours of culture, joy, and fun. Three menus to select. Small groups (6 to 9) and confirmed daily. We are a family owned business proud of our cultural heritage and always willing to share it with our visitors. Let´s cook together in Arequipa and share good wishes for a best world
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