Attractions around Annonay
Explore 3 attractions, restaurants, shops around Annonay
5.0 (63)
100 Issues - Annonay Escape Game
Rue Boissy D Anglas, 07100 Annonay France
Come and live an unforgettable experience in a breathtaking setting ! Your goal: To unlock the secrets of a vanished civilization through a succession of enigmas... You have 60 minutes, every second counts ! On the menu: exploration, reflection and team spirit !
4.5 (30)
Musee du Parchemin
N_4 La Combe du Prieure, 07100 Annonay France
Created in 1926 by Marcel Dumas, listed in the register of «Rare Arts Traders » in 2011, the tannerie parcheminerie DUMAS, is today still a family business, managed by Frederic Dumas. Specialized in decorative lighting and orthopedic products at its inception, sole supplier of drumskins to the Republican Guard in the 60s, the company has over the last few years developed production of parchment for arts like.The museum area will allow you to discover the history of parchment and the craft of parchment-maker, to perfect your knowledge of leather-work and admire the last remaining skin-drier in Annonay, a town renowned for its know-how in tanning since medieval times. You will get to know the tannerie parcheminerie Dumas through its history, through the wide range of crafts associated with its activity , and variety of uses for the finished products. You will also have the chance to observe parchment production, from the glass observation gallery overlooking the workshop.
4.0 (23)
Visites guidees d'Annonay avec l'Office de Tourisme Ardeche Grand Air
Place des Cordeliers, 07100 Annonay France
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